Frequently Asked Questions

Our pancake and pasta products are made from natural ingredients and do not contain added sodium. During manufacturing process, we do not add sodium into our pancake and pasta products. The sodium in these products come naturally from vegetables and flour. Hence these products can be consumed on regular basis.

Our soup premix contains on average 400mg sodium per serving (10g) which is below the maximum level of recommended dally intake (1500mg/day for chidren 1-3 years of age and 1900mg/day for children 4-8 years of age according to Malaysian Dietary Guidelines).

Nevertheless, we recommend to limit our soup premix products to no more than 3 times a week as they contain added sodium as flavoring.

Our veggie pancake contains a minimal amount of brown sugar, which is used as a natural preservative to add a touch of sweetness to the pancake. We understand that some parents may be concerned about the presence of sugar in baby products, but we want to assure you that our formula uses only high-quality, simple ingredients like flour and vegetable powder, and the amount of sugar used is kept to a minimum.

Our goal is to provide a clean label food that is both nutritious and delicious, helping to introduce young children to new flavors and reduce picky eating.

According to the FDA. small amounts of sugar can be a part of a healthy diet for chidren over 1-year-old. Our veggie pancake is formulated with this in mind. and we strive to provide a nutritious and satisfying meal option for families with young children.

We understand that parents want the best for their children, and we share that commitment. Our veggie pancake is a great option for parents looking for a healthy, tasty, and convenient meal option for their little ones.

We adhere to stringent food safety and production processes which include sourcing for high quality raw ingredients. Our products have been certified with ISO 220002018, which is internationally recognised as one of the highest food safety management systems.

As such, we do not have hidden ingredients in our products. We feed our products to our own children too!

Baking soda/baking powder contains a substantial amount of sodium but do they make our pancakes more fluffy. As such, we leave it to you to decide if you would want to add baking soda/baking powder into your pancake. We like to use whipped egg whites as a healthier alternative to baking soda/baking powder to make fluffy pancakes!

Our pasta is not gluten free as it is made from wheat flour. The only people that need to adhere to a gluten-free diet are those with celiac disease or those with gluten allergy.

Having gluten in our diet is not unhealthy as foods containing gluten (eg. wholewheat breads) are good sources of B vitamins, iron, zinc and calcium which are crucial for optimum growth and development.

Because we use different types of vegetables in our pasta. As parents. we want our children to eat a variety of food: so we decided to include a variety of vegetables in our pasta. Also, children are attracted to colourful objects which makes it easier for them to accept our pasta (less headache for you!)

It really depends on your childs preference. for a start, you can choose pancake flavor which contain vegetable that your child seldom consumed (eg. if your child dislike/seldom consume broccoli, you may choose our broccoli flavored pancake).

Or you may try our pancake starter kit which contain a range of vegetable pancakes and see which are your child preferred flavors.

We use orly natural colourings from vegetables and fruits. So yes, our products do not contain artificial colourings.

Nutrients for 6 months old to 1 year old child

For the first 6 months. a baby will depend solely on breastmilk or formula milk as sole source of food and nutrition.
During this time, breastmilk or formula milk will provide all the nutrients required for a growing baby.

  • He/ She has good head and neck control and is able to sit upright with some support
  • Show interest in food. Your child may stare at the food or try to grab the food from you.
  • No more tongue thrust Your child will not push out the food with his/her tongue. Tongue thrust reflex is to protect your child from choking when he/she is not ready for solid food.

a) Iron

For a fully breastfed baby, it is important to include iron rich food in a childs diet once he/she is ready for solid food. Breastmilk contains lesser iron compared to formula milk. Iron is important for red blood
cell production and help carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body Iron also helps to support healthy skin, hairs and nai.

Tron rich foods that are suitable for 6 months old to 1 year old child include:

  • Iron fortified baby cereal
  • Blended or mashed meat, chicken or seafood
  • Blended or mashed baked beans
  • Blended or mashed leafy green vegetables eg spinach, choy sum

Serve iron rich foods during main meals so that the child is receiving adequate iron in

His/her diet. To increase iron absorption from food, you can include vitamin C rich food

such as blended/mashed fruits (eg. papaya. kiwi, oranges) after main meals.

b) Omega 3 fatty acids
Omega 3 fatty acids particularly DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are important for healthy growth, brain and eyes development Research have shown that children who have a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids have better verbal learning ability and memory. Foods that are high in omega 3 fatty acids include:

  • Blended or mashed salmon, canned tuna or sardines
  • Mashed omega 3 fortified eggs
  • Omega 3 fortified infant formula

Include at least 2-3 times a week of omega 3 rich fish into your childs diet to ensure optimal growth and development.

c) Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is important for supporting healthy brain development and red blood cels production Vitamin B12 foods largely come from animal sources. Hence, breastfed baby is at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency if mother is a vegetarian/vegan or consume little animal products. Sources of Vitamin B12 include:

  • Blended/Mashed meat and fish
  • Mashed eggs
  • Pasteurised cheese and yoghurt
  • Blended/Mashed vitamin B12 fortified baby cereals

For mothers who are breastfeeding and consume little animal products, you may need to take vitamin B12 supplement. Do consut your doctor for more detail.

d) Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps to promote strong bone and teeth development Fully breastfed or partially breastfed baby may not be getting enough vitamin 0: hence it is crucial that the child include vitamin D rich food in his/her diet once he/she is ready for solid food.

Vitamin D rich food include:

  • Blended/Mashed salmon or tuna
  • Mashed eggs
  • Vitamin D fortified baby cereals

Sugar in Children's Diet

As parents, we try our best to encourage healthy eating habits in our children. Sometimes we are successful sometimes we fail miserably and THAT 1S NORMAL.

Being surrounded by delicious and convenient food, it is challenging for parents or caretakers to prepare healthy food at every meal.
What more, it is impossible to avoid sweet treats at family gatherings, birthday parties, festive events and outings. So is sugar really that BAD?

Natural sugars are sugars that exist naturally in food. Fructose (or fruit sugar) is predominantly found in fruits, lactose is found in dairy products while glucose is found in carbohydrates (eg. rice. potatoes, flour products).

Foods containing natural sugar provide energy and other essential nutrients (eg. iron. B vitamins) for optimal growth and development in our children. So these foods should be in their diet on a regular basis.

Added sugars (usually sucrose, fructose corn syrup) are included into food during manufacturing/cooking process.

Added sugars enhance the taste and presentation of the food (eg. caramelisation/browning on baked products) and to prolong the shelf-life of the food. Most processed food have very little nutritional value and tend to be higher in calories, fats and sugars. Regular consumption of these foods can lead to unhealthy weight gain and contribute to childhood obesity.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no added sugar for infants below the age of 2 years. Children at this age consume a smaller amount of food. hence food with added sugar should be kept to a minimal. Toddlers aged 2 years and older, the added sugar is limited to no more than 25 gram (5 teaspoons) per day

Having said that as a parent myself, I do allow a small amount of food with added sugar (eg. pancakes. ice-cream) once a week in my child’s diet. Introducing a variety of food at a young age helps to raise children that are open to trying new foods and reduce risk of raising fussy eaters. So. don’t stress too much about added sugar if the sweet snacks are limited to a small amount and on special occasions/once a week.

The following are some healthier snacks if your child choose to snack:

1. Full fat plain yoghurt with fresh fruit

2. Whole Wheat bread with nut butter

3. Scrambled eggs

4. Vegetable sticks with cream cheese dip

For a quick and healthy snack. do give our veggie pancakes premix a try. Our pancakes have minimal added sugar and contain natural vegetable powder. Even children who dislike vegetables like our pancakes
as they are tasty! Add some fresh fruit and yoghurt as pancake toppings to boost your childs fiber and calcium intake.

Healthy Fats Intake in Toddlers

Fats in diet are important for optimal growth and development in young children. Functions of fats include:
Energy source for physically active toddlers, Healthy brain development (60% of brain is made of fats)
Help absorption of fat- soluble vitamins A. D. E. K. Protect and cushion internal organs.

There are 3 main sources of fats in our diet:

Mainly found in full fats dairy products (eg. butter, cheese, full cream milk), coconut products (eg. coconut oil, coconut milk). palm oi, fatty meat and chicken skin and hydrogenated butter (eg. Planta).

Excessive intake of saturated fat can lead to weight gain. Hence these foods (except full cream milk) should be consumed occasionally.

Mainly found in plant food such as olive oil. nut oil. deep sea fish (eg. salmon, mackerel), avocado, nuts and seeds. Unsaturated fat is heathy fat and can be incorporated daily into your childs diet.

Mainly found in deep-fried food (eg French fries. nuggets) and processed foods (eg. pastries, cakes, cookies, chips). These foods should be kept to a minimum (eg. only on special occasions) as they can raise blood cholesterol level and increase risk of heart disease. They are often high in sodium and sugar which may cause unhealthy weight gain in children.

For children below 5 years of age. there is no recommendation as to how much fats they should be having a day. for older children and adults fat intake should be 25-35% of total calorie requirement. Hence, the key is to consume a variety of healthy unsaturated fats, taking saturated fat occasionally and limiting trans fat to special occasions.

Below are 5 healthy fat options that you can consider incorporating in your childs diet:

Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fat and is a versatile ingredient that you can use in cooking. You can add them in salad. spread them on breads or even as pancake toppings. Do give our avocado and banana rice cereal pancake recipe a try. It is so simple: even your toddler can do it too.

Salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acid and is crucial for brain development and growth. Including salmon or other deep-sea fish a few times a week in their meals ensure they are getting enough omega 3. Why not try our stir fry shell pasta with salmon and broccoli? It is quick and easy to prepare during those busy weekdays.

Rich in protein and all the good fats. You can poach them, make them into omeletes boil them. Just make sure you are using healthy oil or small amount of butter to cook them

Source of protein, calcium and vitamin D which are important for bone development Choose full cream milk instead of low fat milk as the former is more filling and taste better! 

Olive oil is rich in unsaturated fat and antioxidants which is better for the heart. Use them in cooking. baking or as salad dressing.